- 2006 (Created & Posted Upon)
Revised: Aug 01, 08


>> Topic Entitled: "Elemental Stones II”

(Exempted from Lair of Blades Community)


(…may be missing text due to formatting…)




post #1


Originally Posted by Furious Drake




= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-Status: Open

-Rating: E (Everyone)

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   The stones that maintain the balance between the four elements have been stolen. Natural disasters are striking everywhere, and it is up to Meeko to help retrieve them and return them to their respective temples with a little help from traveling adventurers that journey with her.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =




post #2


Originally Posted by Furious Drake



(Some island)



*Rub* *Rub* As I prepare a fire with some sticks. Night is dropping in quickly. I guess sitting by the shore won't do any good. Once again I'm stuck with these idiots. Unbelievable! In the distance I can still hear that idiot dropping and hammering wood boards together with god know what. Mr. handyman thinks he's got the best of me, but he's full of crap. Screw him! The fire starts as I throw in some more sticks. Since night just dropped on us, the fire makes you not notice it. "Dude." The fish head comes up from behind me. *Click* As I turn around and pop out a knife at him. "Come any closer, I'll gut you alive." I said looking him dead in his eyes. He stands there looking at me like he's innocent. Yes, innocent my @$$. "Fine dude." He says turning back around. Good. I turn around to get this fire nice and high...


*WHACK* "AH!" As suddenly something heavy hits me in the back. I fall to the sand and quickly roll to my back. It's that damn fish head! He hit me, he's going to pay for that! I get up and he swings at me again, but I block it and land him hard in the side of his face. *Wham* "OUCH!" He yells holding his face. He swings his fist, but I grab it and throw him to the ground and then jump on him. "Your going to die for THAT!" I yell while rising my fist in the air and landing him in the chest and face several times. I still hold him down. "You feel that? Does that feel good? You want some more?" I say smirking while raising my fist again. The satisfaction as blood runs from his nose. *Wham* I hit him again. Now he's a dead man. *Click* I pop out my knife. "Lets see what lies underneath, eh?" I said with him struggling in pain. "HEY!" As Andrew charges quickly towards me. I get up and he flings his fist towards me, but misses while I land my knee in his chest. *Thud* He hits the sand in pain. "Looky here, now that my hands aren't tied anymore." I said smirking at him laying on the ground. *Shwing* "AHHH! DAMN!" I yell in pain as something sticks in my ankle. He stuck me with a knife! That Son of a... *Wham* As he flies up and lands me in the face. I jerk back while he pulls out a sword. *Shwing* I pull out one of my curved swords. "Looky here, mine's bigger." I remark while comparing. The flames show the gleaming sweat dripping down our foreheads. Our wet hair gleams and moves like the flames. "Come on, what are you waiting for there?" I ask ready to gut him all over the beach. The fish head staggers up. "No! Dudes... Stop..." As he struggles to stay up and the blood running down. "No, we're going to finish this." Andrew says looking dead in my eyes. Yes, that's it, fight me...


He lunges forwards while I nail him in the chest. "Ah!" As he drops his sword in pain. *Wham* As he suddenly rams me hard to the ground. Crap! My sword is not in reach. He holds me down. *Wham* *Whack* As he lands me twice. He gets ready to do it again, but I grab his arm and throw him off of me. I quickly get up and back way while he does the same. "You hit like a woman." I remark. "You'll see when I pound my fist though your face!" He shouts. "Does it make you feel good?" I remark back watching him get angrier by the minute. Good, feel what I feel every damn day. *WHAM* As he grabs a board from behind him and hits me hard to the ground. That son of a... *Whack* As he hits me in the back. "AHH!" I yell in pain. *Shwing* I release the blades from my gauntlets while he suddenly backs off quickly. He looks at the double blades on each gauntlet, the nice and sharp blades that could tear him apart easily. "I made them myself." "You want to test them out?" I saying smirking. He just looks at me with anger, which makes me feel good. "Dude, this isn't helping us at all." The fish head suddenly steps in and says. I look at him and point my one hand at him. "You started by hitting me over the head pal!" "Yeah, well I'm tried of you treating me like crap dude!" He gets closer and says. "You better watch yourself there pal!" I say getting ready to strike. Andrew clicks one of his weapons and draws my attention. As soon as I look... *WHACK* "AHHH!" I scream in pain. I get back up quickly seeing that the fish head nailed me again. "YOu..." I yelled in rage. "Shut up!" Andrew says while pointing a cannon at me. "You going to threaten me again? I got nothing to loose you know." I say back. "Your either for us or against us." Andrew says looking dead in my eyes. "Screw you." As I said backing way. He puts the cannon down while I slowly turn around and head away. I can survive on my own, I don't need anyone's help...




post #3


Originally Posted by Furious Drake



(Some island)



Later on, I sit down by the fire while head fish cleans himself up and gives me dirty looks. "I have a right to be here, I made the damn fire." I say to him and continue to sit by the fire. "You don't know how close you are to pushing the limits." Andrew says while sharpening his hunting knife. I look over at him. "Screw you." I say and look back at the fire. "I saved your life and this is how you repay people." Andrew asks continuing to sharpen his knife. I look back at him with dead eyes. "Yeah, well, welcome to the club." I remark while throwing a twig into the huge fire. "So, what's your story dude?" The fish head asks me quietly. I look over at him. "It's none of your business." I grin at him while he looks away. "Maybe it is." Andrew looks over at me and remarks. I look dead in his eyes. "Yeah, well what is your story then?" I asked, but not really interested, just to get back at him. "Bigman and me just left home one day in search of something." He looks straight back at me. "We left our families, even my own wife, for god knows what, but now I know." He then looks back at his knife. "Know what?" I asked uninterested of what nonsense he has to say. "That the world is in trouble." He says. "You mean the stone and temple crap?" I said staring at the fire. "Yeah." I look over at him. "And?" I ask still uninterested. "Look, I'm not going home until I get these stones back." He explains while putting the knife away. "What for? To be the hero, to save the world? For what? It's all useless." I say still staring at the fire. "You may feel that way, but I won't rest until I know my family will be safe." He stares at me and explains. I just smirk. He turns away to look at the fire. The fish head suddenly gets up and pulls out something while doing so. I know it when I see it, drugs. He walks off into the jungle while Andrew doesn't seem to notice. Andrew turns his attention towards me. "So, I know you didn't become a pirate over night." He says at me. I turn away from the fire to him. "Yeah, I became a pirate since I was little." I say sarcastically. "Why do you have to be so hostile? I hate to tell you, you really don't seem to fit in as pirate." He says still looking at me. I thought I had it all. Money, the love of my life, a wife. It all came to a crash when she cheated on me, with my best friend. I killed him, now she feels how I feel. "I don't seem to fit in anywhere pal." I say looking straight at him. He just shuts his mouth. *CLICK* *CLICK* As we both just sit there. I know the noise, a cannon pointed at my back. I look over my shoulder, four pirates behind us at cannon point. Nice...




post #4


Originally Posted by Ice Dude



(Some island)



*Sniff* *Sniff* As I get my fix. Da only thang I have to live for. It took my girl's life and along with other firends of mine. I miss her. Her death was da reason I disappeared from home, from my life, from my career of being a famous rockstar.. I put it away. I feel better now even though Rick beat da snot out of me. I shuldnt of started it but da pain is gone now. That dude is just something. I head back to da camp fire, but no one there. Not even a fire. Did they dich me again?




post #5


Originally Posted by Flaming Jackass


= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-Name: Axel (Ax for short)

-Race: Wolf Folk

-Gender: Male

-Age: 24

-Height & Weight: 6"4 & 200 lbs

-Occupation: ???



A muscular Wolf Folk with maroon color fur. A tough guy. Wears bleached jeans with ripped knees and a brown leather vest. Has a huge and heavy steel chain around his neck. Peiced right ear and deep scar on his left eye.



At first you may take him the wrong way, but condering his past, once you get use to him yall find out that hes a good guy, but has always been following the wrong crowed.



Wears bras knukles, chain armor under his vest. Carries a double-spear launcher on his back. Also has a basic sword. Is strong and good at fighting, knows little marial arts.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =




post #6


Originally Posted by Flaming Jackass



(Location: Waste Lands)



I love these kind of stories man! Theres not too many of them anymore. The good guys vs the bad guys and they all have their own abilities and personailites and even pasts. SWeeeet!



White surrounds me. Nothing else in the room, but pitch white. A man walks towards me. Spike. He pulls his hood down as soon as he gets closer. A Human with brown wavy hair and average build. The friend I knew since we have been cubs. He smiles, but then is mellow. "Did you kill the one called Clyde?" Spike asks me. "No, we where captured by Desert Folk." I said realizing that this is a dream and he is contacting me. Shaneeva walks over and stops next to Spike. I don't trust her, even since the begining. Something is wrong with her, she is misleading Spike. Ever since he meet her, he changed. I look back to him. He just looks down and then back up at me. "You failed me." He says sadly. "What do you mean friend?" I ask wondering why he asked such a question. He and Shaneeva turn around to walk away. "Wait! Why did I fail you? What did I did? I am your best friend, why would you say something like that?" I demanded. He turns around. "Your not a friend of mine anymore." He responed. "Why because I was knocked off a ship?" I yelled in rage. "No... They have the firestone now." He said back. He turns around to walk away. "WHAT!" I yelled. "This isn't about the stone is it? Your turning your back on me because you find me usless." I said in rage. He turns around again. "Exactly." He says to my face. I grin my teeth. He knows I am pissed. Shaneeva smirks at me, knowing she won once again. I hate her! "See you both in hell!" I screamed. Suddenly the white is gone. I wake up sweating like crazy. Clyde looks over at me. We both are on a hover crafte with five Desert Folk on board. Three in the back holding cannons at us and two in the front driving, while the both of us are tied sitting down to the rails with both of us faceing each other. We continue to ride though thwe night..



I think this answers your question Drake. ;)




post #7


Originally Posted by Furious Drake



(Location: Pirates' Fort)



All my life I have been tied up, even my wife did it, well, for different reasons. Two pirates stand in the room watching on guard as me and Mr. Handyman are tied in a chair. "Hey you!" I get their attention. "Yea got any breath mints?" I ask sarcastically. "What for?" One of them responses while coming over. "Why for you. I can smell your nasty breath from over here." I chuckle and piss him off. *Whack* As he hits me with his cannon. Ouch.. He walks back over to sit down on a create in the corner. "You enjoy ticking people off and getting hurt?" Andrew turns to ask me. I turn to the side to look at him. "Why yes. Even my wife beated me. " I smile at him. "Yeah, and I thought I was nuts." As he crackles a small smile. "Ha. If you been though what I had, you be just as nuts." I say back. I think I'm beginning to like this guy, the fish head on the other hand... The crusty fort's wood building seems to creak in the wind. "Where are we anyway?" Andrew asks. "Pipe down!" As one of the pirates yells at us. "Well, excuse me if we feel like having a conversation." I remark back. He walks over to me. "If you don't.." "And WHAT? You going to kill us? It's a free world @$$hole!" I yell back at him and cutting him off. He just stands there and grins his teeth. "I know you like it manly." I say right in his face. Andrew just looks and I know what he is thinking, I'm going to get myself killed, but what do I have to lose? "YOu.." As he grips his cannon ready to beat the living snot out of me. "What are you waiting for? You can saver me when I'm dead." I remark. *Whack* *Wham* As he lands me twice with his fist. He then walks out of the room and slams the door shut, almost braking it. Andrew notices the blood dripping from my mouth. "You nuts?" Andrews asks. I turn to him. "Obviously I hit a sore spot." I smirk back. Andrew just shakes his head. Yeah that's right, I got under his skin and it feels good! I didn't take over night to become this way you know...


*Creak* As the boards above make as sound. The pirate jumps up and stares at the ceiling. "Hey! You finding something interesting there?" I smirkly say to him. He just ignores me, I hate that... *Creak* As it goes again. It's probably this crappy building getting ready to fall down on us. Suddenly a figure walks out from the corner over to the pirate. "Surfs up bro!" He yells as the pirates spins around. *WHAM* As something hit the pirate to the ground and completely knocked him out. The figure steps out. It's that damn fish head! "How did you find us?" Andrew asks him. "Hey I followed the dudes here bro." He responses. "Yeah, nice, now stop the chit chat and untie us." I said. He does so with his fins. "Now what?" Andrew asks. "Well, we prepare for war." I said searching the crates. Damn! No powered for explosives. They both just stand there looking at me like I'm nuts. "Hey, I'm looking for explosives, do you mind?" I remark at them. Andrew just grins. "I guess we're a pretty good team." Andrew says. The fish head nods. "Yeah, whatever makes you happy." I say while turning around to search the room for some loot. Nothing. This hell hold has nothing. "We're going to have a fight on our hands, you with us Rick?" Andrews looks at me and says. I turn back around and look him straight in his eyes. "I need a new crew. Do you think you guys would do?" I smile. Andrew sticks his hand out and shakes mine. I just smile back. "How about you fish head?" As I stick out my hand. He shakes it, but doesn't look happy. Everyone's gloom, gives me happiness. "Okay, lets give em hell." I say ready to swing the door open. "Why does he have to call me fish head dude?" He asks Andrew thinking I didn't hear him. "He's just giving you a hard time." Andrew says back. *Creak* As the door becomes open, I wonder what lies in.... A horde of pirates, a bunch of angry women, or another crappy room of this hell hold, heck knows...




post #8


Originally Posted by Furious Drake



(Location: Pirates' Fort)



We open the door to surprise, a long hallway. A door is on the other side. The hallways' walls are wood and crusty. Can't these guys own a descent building? We walk down the hallway, which appears to be wide and tall. "So dude, why do you call me fish head?" He asks. I stop to turn around to look at him. "Enjoy it while you can, it could be worse." I responded and then turned back around. Andrew suddenly comes to a stop and turns around towards me. "So, what's mine? I know you got one in for me. I'm not your typical idiot warrior type, just to let you know." He asks. "Mr. Handyman." I say smirking. "Ah, your just jealous." He response. "Yeah, so are you of my good looks." I smirked back at him. "So Girly man." He says and smirks. I point my finger at him. "Don't... Call me that." I said with anger. How dare him call me that. He just turns around to head for the door. "Heh, what's fair is fair." He remarks back. That son of a.... The fish head walks by me. "What? What are you looking at?" I remarked at him. He just smirks and continues to walk by me. I hate these guys now. We reach the worn door and hear talking and noises from inside. "Sounds like a party." Andrew says. "Yeah, one that we we're not invited to." I said back. Andrew grabs the door knob. "You ready?" He asks both of us. "I would do anything for my crew, if that's what your asking." I said to him. He just nods. I turn to fish head. "You know, if you guys just didn't attack us on the ship, I would of probably make you guys part of my crew, well, crappy crew that is." I said to him actually meaning it. He just nods. "Alright, here we go.." As Andrew swings the door open...


Well, defiantly not bunch of angry women, just bunch of rough looking pirates. They all stop what they are doing and draw attention towards us. "Sorry to break up the party boys, we just want to borrow a light for the explosives in my left pocket." I say sarcastically to them. *SHWING* As they all get up and pull out their swords. "Good one.." Andrew says still looking at them. I turn to him. "What?" He looks back at me and just grins. Looks like we need to teach these guys some dancing lessons...




post #9


Originally Posted by Flaming Jackass



(Location: Waste Lands)



Hey I dont get it man.Whould Andrew's wife be PO'ed cus of him just leaving home? And how did Rick go from bad guy to all of a sudden a good guy? I don't like him at all but he sure is funny. Another thing: How much longer is this story?



The long ride becomes a stressfull one as we are getting closer and closer to their cities. Drake looks up at me. Somehow and someway I know what he is thinking. It may be suicide but if we dont do something now we are done either way. "How are you at taking risks?" Clyde suddenly asks me. "Pretty fine, thank you." I said back while the three Desert Folk near us study our conversation, but since they don't speak english, they don't understand. Clyde moves a little while one of them suddenly lunge forward to stop him. Clyde just looks up and grins. A large knife laying on the floor suddenly jults and then moves slowly towards Clyde's feet. Is he doing ths? How is this possible? Clyde looks back to me. "You sure?" He asks. I just nod as I watch the knife on the floor. The Desert Folk steps back while the knife moves up to Clyde's hand. He grabs it and hides it behind him. *Cough* *Cough* Clyde does to startle the Desert Folk. They get jumpy and nervis. Clyde turns his head towards one of the Desert Folk and suddenly gets up. This ready startles them as they get caught off guard. One lunges forward while Clyde grabs the rope and wraps it around his neck and turns him around to face the others. Tention builds with the two infront noticing what is going on. Comeon idiot! Don't do something stupid! As I say in my mind. The two infront get behind Clyde while the two in back get ready to strike. What the hell is he doing? Does he relize that they dont care about their comrades? They move in closer while he is holding one hostage. Clyde suddenly whips around, grabs a small cannon from the hostage's side and fires at the two infront. *BAM* *BAM* As he fires and hits the both of them at the same time they hit the ground. The two in back whip out threr cannons and fire while Clyde whips around to fire at them with the hostage infront still. *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* As shots fire. One hits the hostage while one of the two inback gets hit also. Clyde drops the hostage and the last of them tries to load, but Clyde knocks it onto the deck. The Desert Foilk lunges forwards but Clyde grabs him by the back of the head, tilts him back and slams his head into his knee. *Wham* I guess thats that. *Thud* The last one hits the ground. Clyde throws the knife nexzt to me and it sticks into the deck. "I think we should get moving here." He says while heading to the front. I get myself untied and get up. "Yeah, well, now, ther'e gonna gun us down like dogs." I say to him. He turns around to face me. "I thought you said you like to take risks." I get in his face and grin, but back off to head for the front. My best firend screwed me, now I'm pissed. I still see Clyde as the enimy, so nothing changes between us. Just as I was right, two hover-crafts speed towads us. They know what is going on and now we're dead meat. Clyde gets by me to grab for the controls. He loks back at me. "You ready?" I nod as I run for the back to grab the cannons on the ground and throw the dead off board as I prepare for wholy war.




post #10


Originally Posted by Furious Drake



(Location: Pirates' Fort)



Okay for those of you who missed parts of the characters' stories...


-Meeko: Not much is known of Meeko's past, but she is the last of the Undines. She sees the group as heroes while they may have their doubts. In the end, some how and some way, she knows they will all pull though...


-Andrew & Bigman: From what Wiseman explained of them, they are spiritual people, meaning they receive callings. They just left home one night because of Andrew receiving a calling of something wrong, which led him and Bigman to Stafnar, hence, to meet Meeko. Bigman goes everywhere with Andrew, they never leave each others side. They consider each other brothers even though they are both of a different race. Since they are spiritual people, their family probably understands of their disappearance...


-Clyde: From what we heard, his village, family, and everyone else he knew where all killed one day when he was just a kid when Desert Folk came crashing in. Being the only survivor, he grew to be angry. He was taken in by an old famous warrior who down the line, also got killed by Desert Folk. We really don't know what happened afterwards, but he grew to be a mysterious heroic guy who travels the lands to escape from his past, otherwise it will get to him. Maybe we will learn more down the line, but you got to wonder, is he bottling up all of his anger and one day is just going to explode? Anyway, Clyde followed the disasters to Stafnar and bumped into the others...


-Mikau: From what we heard, he use to have a life of a rock star. He did drugs along with his girl who died from it, but seemed to left home to the surface to pretend it never happened. Which led him to get kidnapped. Apparently he's still doing drugs, following his girl's footsteps, and killing himself slowly. If he wanted to go home, he would of left already, but he continues to stick with the group...


-Rick: A loving caring husband until his wife cheated on him. He grew angry and takes it out on everyone else by being hostile to make everyone unhappy to make himself feel good to deal with the pain. As he said, he killed his best friend to make his wife feel the pain he feels. He doesn't seem to fit in as a pirate, he's unsure of what he wants. Andrew found that you have to play him at his own game to get his respect, otherwise Andrew would of probably killed him already. For Mikau, he doesn't seem to catch on to it yet, so Rick continues to give him a hard time...


-Ax: As we heard, his best friend is Spike, well, was. It seems maybe Spike isn't the leader of the group after all since he does what Shaneeva wants, including ditching his best friend. It seems he followed the wrong crowed and so did Spike, but after meeting Clyde, he realized it, but Spike is still being mislead and probably won't know until it is too late...


The group of baddies? Maybe we'll see their stories next. I was tempting to play as a couple of them, but it's more fun to drag it out... :P


How much longer is the story? Well, we probably have ways to go. The bad guys are not easy to kill, they’re just like our group, but on the other side. They have their own stories too. Maybe we'll all switch sides for a while to tell their story from the beginning and come back to the good guys to finally finish them off after everything has been explained... :P


By the way Jack, It's Clyde, not Drake. :P






post #11


Originally Posted by Flaming Jackass



(Location: Waste Lands)



Okay I get it. DUH! STUPID ME! Playing as the baddies? Hey im up for it man. ;)

I got you Drake... err... Clyde.. no.. i mean Drake... right? ;)






post #12


Originally Posted by Furious Drake



(Location: The Seas)



Okay, let's see if I can do something here...

Jack, we'll see. ;)




To be continued…